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Cold Oven Pound Cake aka. “Smelly Cake”

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Note: This post contains an Amazon Affiliate link. If you purchase the item using the link, I will get a few cents in commission. It will not impact the cost of the item. This article has been updated since it was originally posted.
My dad did not really cook; fried eggs, oatmeal, toast, and grilled cheese was pretty much the extent of his solo endeavors. However, he did attempt to make a cake on his own…twice. I believe my sister ended up helping him when he made his first, a pineapple upside-down cake. So, I believe the cold oven pound cake is the only cake my dad ever baked all on his own.

This cake was one that Mom often made and one of Dad’s favorites. We nicknamed it the “Smelly Cake” because of the wonderful aroma that filled the house as it baked. It is a delicate, moist, and delicious cake. It has a wonderful, sweet exterior that is almost a crust…

Mom acquired the recipe from a friend in the early 1970s, along with her first bottle of Superior Vanilla Butter and Nut flavoring. By the time I was in college, the flavoring was harder to find. In fact, I remember dragging a college roommate from store-to-store looking forward to it…she also remembers. Today, it is extremely difficult to find. I ended up ordering it online from Betty’s Country Grocery in North Carolina…now Betty’s Outdoor. Here is a link if you would like to order a bottle or two of Superior Flavoring. I am not affiliated with the product or the retailer in any aspect; I have just purchased the product through the retailer.

Why all the to-do about the flavoring? Well, I have tried to make it with other Vanilla Butter and Nut flavoring and the cake was not the same. In fact, the only substitute flavoring I would recommend is the LorAnn brand Vanilla Butternut.

If using the LorAnn flavoring, you’ll probably want to use less (2 tsp. +/-) and perhaps add another egg.

Other baking hints for this (and  other) cake(s):

  1. Have all ingredients at room temperature…including eggs, butter, and milk.
  2. You can warm eggs quickly by letting them set in warm tap water for several minutes.
  3. Grease and flour pan well…products like Baker’s Joy have great release results with Bundt/tube pans.
  4. In this cake: sift the flour and use AP flour.
  5. Do not over mix the cake after the eggs are added…in fact, I think this cake turns out best when mixed by hand…or at least after the eggs are added.


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