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Homemade Candy: Peppermint Patties

I am very far behind on my Christmas shopping, candy making, and baking this year. In fact, I just made my very first batch of candy (okay, I technically tried to make two others but learned the hard way that both of my candy thermometers were no longer even close to accurate).

Thus, I decided to make candy that does not require a thermometer: peppermint patties.

My daughter loves peppermint patties. I have wanted to make a more cost effective version for about a year (plus I like knowing what is in what we eat). When I found a patty mold at a local candy/baking supply store a few months ago, I knew they were the first filled chocolates I wanted to make this year.

Thankfully, my first attempt was successful! It tastes great. It has the desired consistency without using invertase (liquifies table sugar). Plus, most importantly, my daughter loved them.

The filling is not easy to work with; you will need some patience and practice.  However, the end result is totally worth it!

If you would like more hints about making molded/dipped chocolates, check out my next post.


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