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Ichiban Japanese Steak House in Hixson

Our family has a tradition of getting to pick where to go for dinner for your birthday. My daughter has picked the same place since her third birthday (she’s now eight), Ichiban Japanese Steak House on Highway 153 in Hixson, Tennessee. She really likes it.

Why am I so specific with the address? Well, there are actually three Ichiban Japanese Steak Houses in Hixson. The owners of this Ichiban location said they used to own all three locations, but sold the others and just kept this original location. As I have never been to the other two Ichiban’s in Hixson, I can only speak for the location in the shopping center on Highway 153.

This Ichiban’s is strictly a hibachi-style restaurant. All of the seating surrounds grill areas that are two grills surrounded by seating and partially partitioned off from the other grill areas. This arrangement gives the restaurant a cozier and more personalized atmosphere than others that offer a more open concept.

They offer steak, chicken, shrimp, scallop and vegetable meal choices. Each are served with rice, salad, and soup. The rice has recently had a price increase if you select to have fried rice instead of steamed, and most people select fried rice…many even opt for a double portion.

My daughter’s favorite part about the birthday dinner (aside from the regular food and “show’) is the birthday “cake”. The “cake” is a fresh pineapple (about a third of a pineapple) creatively cut into slices with a thick slice of fresh orange with a candle in it. Sometimes I believe she loves the small umbrella and little plastic sword (that skewers a maraschino cherry) as much as she loves the fruit.
My favorite part about the birthday dinner is the 10% off.

The regular price of the meals are very reasonable…slightly less than a few other Japanese steak houses we have been to in the past couple of years. Plus, they serve so much food that a “to go” box is something that almost everyone gets.

Whether it is a birthday celebration or just a craving for Japanese steakhouse food, Ichiban on 153 is a great place to eat.

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